Optimisation versus constraint: how can we best understand the relationship between body size and metabolism?

Animals vary dramatically in size and biologists have long been fascinated with how other traits change along with size. Metabolism is one of those traits. Metabolic rates increase with size but not proportionally, and the struggle to describe and understand this non-proportional or allometric scaling relationship has a long history.

In their review of the subject, Craig White and Dustin Marshall initially return to the 1830s where physical properties that governed heat exchange were thought to dictate how metabolic rates scale with size. By the 1900s scientists had moved to disputing the exact nature of the ‘scaling’ relationship between size and metabolism.

After more than a century of study, the most reliable finding is that metabolism almost always scales hypo-allometrically with body mass, that is: metabolism increases with size but at a less than 1:1 ratio. A scaling exponent less than 1. So yes, elephants have faster metabolic rates than mice but not as much as you might expect — as body size increases, relative energy use decreases.

More recently, scientists have focused not only on how — but also why — does metabolism scale with body size? Debating this question has resulted in two polarised schools of thought.

The first, which includes Sarrus and Rameaux’s 1830s prediction around heat exchange, is that physical properties constrain the metabolic rate. So, the surface area of an organism can constrain metabolism through regulating heat dissipation, or the network of vessels delivering (usually) oxygen (e.g. blood vessels, trachea or gills), dictates the scaling of metabolic rate through physical constraints to the rate at which resources can be delivered.

The second school of thought takes an evolutionary approach where life history optimisation considers the combination of traits that maximises fitness. Craig and Dustin align with this philosophy. Their recent publication in Science proposed a life history optimisation model which predicts that animals most successful at reproducing are those that exhibit precisely the kind of disproportionate scaling of metabolism with size that we see in real life. And for Craig and Dustin, their work highlights a vital issue — the strong connection between metabolic traits and fitness components: changing one changes them all.

Craig and Dustin used a research weaving approach to understand the connections between the different theories. They identified the core ‘seed’ publications for each theory and then looked at papers that cited these seed publications. A paper was coded to a theory if it cited the seed papers for that theory and no others. Panels A to D are word clouds associated with papers citing each theory and E show the citation network for the papers, coloured by theory base.

To demonstrate how polarised these two approaches have become, Craig and Dustin took a ‘research weaving’ approach. They found that papers based on the latest theories around the importance of physical constraints in metabolic scaling with body mass, (Dynamic Equilibrium Theory and Metabolic Theory of Ecology) did not cite or consider the other main theory base (Life History Optimisation and Pace of Life theory) and vice versa.

So where to next? Craig and Dustin think that constraint driven models would benefit from including optimisation and that examining how optimisation changes in the face of absolute constraints (e.g. organisms cannot be infinitely large or small or quick, and metabolic rates cannot be zero or infinitely high) would add some necessary limits to their own work.

Importantly they also provide some examples of how we can test these theories. They focus on the long-standing traditions of quantitative genetics to simplify conceptual arguments about how metabolic rate (co)varies with other traits and fitness and predict its evolution.

For Craig and Dustin, the crux of changing to a more pluralistic approach based on life history optimisation is that we may better understand how metabolic rate evolves in response to global change or anthropogenic pressures.

This research is published in the journal Physiology.

Mike Cullen award: animal responses to stressor interactions

As this year’s winner of the Mike Cullen Research Fellow Award, Lesley Alton was awarded $5000 in research funds for her publication with Vanessa Kellerman that appeared in Nature Climate Change in 2023.

Professor Mike Cullen was Chair of Zoology at Monash from 1976 to 1992. He was a passionate advocate for early career researchers and also instrumental in bringing a more rigorous and quantitative approach to the behavioural sciences. The awards committee felt that Lesley and Vanessa’s publication was strongly aligned with Mike Cullen’s values.

But of course, science doesn’t just happen overnight and, in the Mike Cullen Lecture, Lesley detailed the trajectory of her research interests and how they led her to this point.

Lesley started her PhD at the University of Queensland in 2007 just after the first global assessment of amphibians had taken place. The assessment confirmed a global decline in amphibians including from seemingly pristine habitats. One of the competing hypotheses for amphibian declines was increased exposure to UV-B radiation associated with human-induced stratospheric ozone depletion. Lesley already knew that UV-B could have adverse effects on amphibian development when she started her PhD, but in nature, animals face many challenges, and so Lesley wanted to know if other sources of environmental stress interact with UV-B to have compounding negative effects on amphibians.

Lesley was not surprised to find that UV-B decreased survival in tadpoles but she was surprised to find that exposure to UV-B in combination with predatory cues decreased tadpole survival even further. She wondered if simultaneous exposure to these two stressors carried a greater metabolic cost than exposure to either of these stressors in isolation. By studying both the metabolic and behavioural responses of tadpoles to these stressors, Lesley found evidence that being exposed to UV-B is more energetically costly for tadpoles when they live with predators: tadpoles exposed to both stressors were less active, yet their metabolic rates remained elevated suggesting they were under more physiological stress than those exposed only to UV-B.

Lesley’s interests in the effects of UV-B continued when she took up her first postdoctoral position at Monash University, but this time she was interested in how it might affect mosquitoes. With UV-B predicted to increase in the tropics by the end of the century, Lesley wondered how this might affect the ability of mosquitoes to transmit pathogens like dengue virus, which is a growing threat to human populations living in tropical and subtropical regions. To study the effects of UV-B on mosquitoes, Lesley exposed developing mosquito larvae to very low doses of UV-B every day to determine if early-life exposure to UV-B could have long lasting effects on adult immune function and fitness. Worryingly, Lesley found that a UV-B dose that is 10­–30 lower than what is currently observed in the tropics made female mosquitoes much more likely to become infected with dengue virus, but it also reduced their survival and fecundity – an unexpected bonus for tropical regions?

Lesley found that exposure to UVBR during a mosquitos development resulted in slower development, higher dengue infection but lower fecundity and higher mortality.

In addition to her work on UV-B, Lesley also developed an interest in the effect of temperature on the metabolic rates of cold-blooded animals (ectotherms), which rely on the thermal conditions of their environment to regulate their body temperature. This interest began while working as a research assistant at the University of Queensland when she received a Journal of Experimental Biology Travelling Award to visit a lab group in the USA. This group were looking at the effects of temperature on the evolution of traits in fruit flies. So, another change of model species, but the trip allowed Lesley to use her expertise in measuring metabolic rates to test the century-old Metabolic Cold Adaptation Hypothesis. This hypothesis predicts that animals evolved at cold temperatures will have higher metabolic rates than those evolved at hot temperatures when measured together at the same temperature. This counter-intuitive effect of temperature on the evolution of metabolic rate is predicted to arise as a consequence of natural selection counteracting the slowing down of metabolic rate that occurs at colder temperatures by favouring those individuals with higher metabolic rates. However, because patterns consistent with the Metabolic Cold Adaptation Hypothesis are not always evident in nature, the hypothesis remains highly controversial.

By measuring the metabolic rates of flies that had evolved experimentally in the lab at different temperatures, Lesley conducted a robust test of the Metabolic Cold Adaptation Hypothesis, but did not find support for the hypothesis. Lesley is now investigating whether the Metabolic Cold Adaptation Hypothesis is borne out if flies evolve at different temperatures under conditions where food is more limited, a scenario that more accurately reflects nature.

We will have to wait and see whether temperature and nutrition interact to shape the evolution of metabolic rate in fruit flies. Lesley has also examined whether environmental factors influence the capacity of ectotherms to respond to climate warming through acclimation which, unlike evolution, occurs within an animal’s lifetime. While ectotherms are expected to have higher energy demands in a warmer world, many ectotherms can acclimate to higher temperatures by reducing the thermal sensitivity of their metabolic rates to offset these energy requirements to some extent. However, Lesley and Vanessa’s research in fruit flies has shown that nutritionally poor diets and species interactions can erode the energetic benefits of thermal acclimation.

Lesley and Vanessa reared the larvae of three Drosophila species in single-species or two-species cultures with limited food to promote competition.

A more in-depth summary of the award-winning publication on the effect of species interactions on the metabolic costs of climate warming demonstrates that to improve our understanding of the threat of climate warming to species we must study animal responses to temperature in combination with other environmental stressors.

After adult flies emerged from our cultures, the team measured the metabolic rate and activity of nearly 400 adult female flies using a multi-channel flow-through respirometry system and Drosophila activity monitors.

This research is published in the journal Nature Climate Change.

Are external fertilisers bigger than internal fertilisers?

Yes, external fertilisers are bigger than internal fertilisers and probably quite a bit bigger. A recent study by George Jarvis and Dustin Marshall has found that external fertilisers were 11 times larger than internal fertilisers in annelids, 5 times larger in echinoderms and 4.5 times in molluscs.

External fertilisers were bigger than internal fertilisers in each of the three phyla that George and Dustin looked at.

We know that body size is a driver of many patterns we see in biology. Knowing the association between body size and fertilisation mode means we may be able to predict much of a species life history and ecology from fertilisation mode alone. For example, within a group arising from a common ancestor we would expect a species with external fertilisation (and larger body size) to also have a lower population growth rate, lower carrying capacity and higher fecundity than a closely related internal fertiliser.

Internal fertilisation is an evolutionary innovation that has happened frequently and independently in snails, frogs, fishes and a host of other organisms. For internal fertilisers, fertilisation is relatively assured once mating has occurred, but there are still challenges. Competition between both sexes to copulate can be fierce and then sperm must compete in a race to the egg.  Meanwhile external fertilisers can be lucky to achieve fertilisation at all with too few sperm reaching eggs (sperm limitation) or too many (polyspermy), severely reducing the chance of a successful fertilisation.

Because of these fertilisation constraints it is perhaps not surprising that we see other characteristics that vary alongside fertilisation mode. For example, in internal fertilisers males have smaller ejaculates, larger (perhaps more competitive sperm) and relatively small testes compared to external fertilisers.

While theory predicts that external fertilisers should be bigger than internal fertilisers this is difficult to test because we need to separate fertilisation mode and body size from other traits that vary alongside body size. So, in fish for example, most species that are external fertilisers are also egg laying, while many internal fertilisers bear live young.  This makes it difficult to separate fertilisation mode and reproductive mode as they both change with body size.

PhD student George Jarvis and his supervisor Dustin Marshall have found a way to test the prediction that body size will vary with fertilisation mode. They have focused on marine invertebrates where internal fertilisation has evolved independently of reproductive mode many times, which allows them to access a ‘cleaner’ test of the relationship between body size and fertilisation mode.

George and Dustin compiled data on adult size, fertilisation mode and latitude for 1232 species of marine invertebrates across three phyla (annelids, echinoderms and molluscs). They analysed the data while accounting for how closely related the species were and the influence of a shared evolutionary history on patterns in body size − aphylogenetically-controlled analysis.

George and Dustin note that the patterns they observed are consistent with theory but from this type of correlative data they can’t conclude that body size drives fertilisation mode or vice versa.  But they do speculate that a reduction in body size precedes the evolution of internal fertilisation. They think that the sequence of events proposed by evolutionary biologist Dr Jonathan Henshaw and colleagues in 2014 is likely correct. Henshaw et al. proposed that:

  1. a reduction in body size results in smaller testes (and thus, lower sperm production), leading to sperm limitation
  2. sperm limitation favours the production of larger eggs, which are larger targets for sperm
  3. larger eggs (and thus, fewer of them) favours the retention of eggs to increase fertilisation success and egg survival
  4. egg retention favours the development of anatomy and sperm traits required for internal fertilisation.

George and Dustin remain open to other possibilities but, in the meantime, they emphasise that the relationship between fertilisation mode and body size may be more fundamental and widespread than anticipated.

George and Dustin compiled data on the relatedness of species so they could account for that in their analysis. In this figure successive branches of the phylogenetic tree indicate species’ becoming less related. At the end of each branch a dot indicates fertilisation mode for that species and the black bar is an estimate of adult weight.

This research is published in The American Naturalist.

From life history to population projections: how does food supply impact populations of copepods?

For those that have been paying attention, you will be aware of our recent post on copepod evolution in high food and low food regimes. Despite the ongoing lockdowns, Alex Blake returned to the lab to follow individuals in a third generation of ‘common gardens’ throughout their whole life history. He measured growth, survival, probability of egg production, clutch size and egg size across the entire lifespan of individuals and used that data to compile population models.

Alongside his supervisor from Oxford University, Professor Tim Coulson, Alex wanted to know how food supply would affect population measures such as population growth rates, population size, age structure and size structure within populations. Alex and Tim compiled population models called Integral Projection Models; a mathematical modelling technique that essentially combines regression models of how traits change across the lifespan of individuals.

Copepods were subject to around 30 generations of evolution in high food or low food treatments. They were then put into ‘common gardens’. This piece summarises the intensive measurements of individuals throughout their life cycle after three generations in a common environment.

As with Alex’s previous work they did find differences between the food regimes. Copepods cultured in high food environments grew slightly faster to a smaller adult size, reached peak egg production younger and produced smaller eggs compared to copepods from low food environments. The high food copepods were also longer lived and had shorter generation times.

But Alex and Tim found these discrepancies didn’t translate to differences at the population level. Population growth rates, and age and size distributions within populations are projected to be similar at the different food supply regimes.

This is potentially good news for marine food webs; ocean productivity is expected to decline with climate change but Alex And Tim’s work suggests that even under lower food supply copepods will be able to evolve to deal with these harsher environments. But there could be costs. Changes in body size and reproductive outputs may have knock on effects for copepod consumers. Fish fry in particular, have been shown to be meticulous about the size of copepods they eat.

Alex and Tim emphasise that there is more work to be done. They were unable to untangle the effects of food supply from the effects of density; crowded environments could impact copepod life histories in a number of ways separate to the effects of food. They also suggest future work looks at whether life history evolution to food regimes is actually adaptive and not simply a result of non-adaptive forces such as drift. Reciprocal transplant experiments are the gold standard test for this question and Alex and Tim are keen to see them implemented.

This research is published in the journal Oikos.

Can competition make you live faster?

Many of us are familiar with the idea that a bit of healthy competition can improve performance but can it affect metabolic rates, size and growth rates? Giulia Ghedini and Dustin Marshall asked this question for a single-celled alga and found that competition selects for smaller and more energy efficient cells.

Giulia and Dustin wanted to know whether predictions from the Metabolic theory of Ecology would hold true. Metabolic theory looks at the relationship between size and metabolic rate (rate of energy use) of individuals and makes predictions about population growth rates, maximum population size and maximum population biomass.

To test theoretical predictions Giulia and Dustin evolved populations of the green alga Dunaliella tertiolecta for 70 generations in three environments. They grew Dunaliella either on its own (no competition), with more Dunaliella(intraspecific competition) or with three other species of algae (interspecific competition). The focal populations of Dunaliella were inside dialysis bags so that they were physically isolated but still experienced changes to nutrient and light availability brought about by competition with other algae present outside the bags.

The experimental design

At 35 and 70 generations subsamples of the focal populations were moved into the same environment for several generations – a ‘common garden’. This allows researchers to distinguish between short term or ‘plastic’ responses to an environment from persistent ‘evolved’ changes.

Giulia and Dustin found that after 35 generations of evolution, cells that had evolved in the presence of competitors were smaller, reached greater population densities but got there more slowly (population growth rates were slower) than cells evolved without competitors. But after 70 generations, cells evolved in competitive environments had the same rates of population growth as cells evolved on their own and yet still managed to reach the same high maximum population densities.

Changes in the way cells were able to capture (photosynthesis) and use (respiration) energy in two different environments. When resources were abundant cells evolved in a competitive environment were able to gain and use resources more efficiently and when resources were scarce those same cells were better able to downregulate their energy use.

The evolution of greater metabolic flexibility appeared to be the key to enable cells grown in a competitive environment to reach these high population growth rates and densities. By measuring photosynthesis and respiration at two time points, (when cells were low in number versus when cell numbers were very high), Giulia and Dustin could see that when resources are abundant, competition-evolved cells increase metabolic rates more than cells evolved without competition. And the reverse was true; when resources are scarce, competition-evolved cells are able to downregulate energy-capture and use, better than cells evolved without competition.

The evolution of enhanced metabolic flexibility was not anticipated by any theory and Giulia and Dustin are keen to see further studies testing if competition drives metabolic plasticity in other systems.

But the Metabolic Theory of Ecology did predict most of the other changes that the pair saw and so they likely represent a common response to competition. In other words, theory predicts the evolution of more energy efficient cells and it is the original relationship between size and metabolic rate that dictates whether those cells will be bigger or smaller. See also: Travelling in time: an experimental evolution experiment changes what we thought we know about size and the cost of reproduction.

This research is published in Current Biology.

How will copepods respond to changing food regimes brought about by climate change?

As ocean temperatures soar to a one in a million-year event, many are wondering what this will mean for systems that receive less public attention than our iconic coral reefs. The oceans are a huge carbon sink and small planktonic crustaceans called copepods are a vital link in the planet’s carbon cycle.

Copepods eat phytoplankton, and phytoplankton productivity is likely to be affected by global warming in a number of ways. In some areas the boundary layer between the warmer surface waters and cooler, nutrient rich waters will reduce the delivery of nutrients to the surface waters. In other areas large storms will likely increase the nutrients delivered to surface. The result? Vastly different amounts of food available for the copepods that feed on phytoplankton

PhD student, Alex Blake, and supervisor Dustin Marshall compared the evolution of copepods under high and low food regimes. They were interested in life history traits – characteristics that describe the way an organism uses resources to increase the chance of successful reproduction. These types of measures have immediate knock-on effects for population growth rates.

In 2018 Alex randomly assigned copepods to high-food or low-food regimes with high-food cultures receiving 10 times the food supply of low food cultures. After approximately 30 generations of evolution Alex moved the copepods into a common environment where they received intermediate levels of food and he began measuring size, age at reproduction and reproductive output over successive generations.

Unfortunately for Alex this intense period of lab work coincided with one of Melbourne’s lengthy lockdowns. In order to comply with health and safety regulations during the long hours in the lab, fellow PhD students had to take turns keeping Alex company remotely. Alex was always visible to another lab member via Zoom while he worked his way through the copepod measurements.

When Alex and Dustin were able to get together and analyse the data they found that the different food regimes had evoked evolutionary changes in body size, the relationship between size and reproductive output and offspring investment strategies.

But the changes weren’t all straight forward. When Alex measured body size in the initial cultures as they entered the common environment, low-food copepods were slightly smaller than high-food copepods. After two generations in a common environment, low-food copepods were now bigger than high-food copepods. This counter-intuitive change is sometimes called cryptic evolution; copepods were smaller in response to the low-food environment, but this masked a genetic change where copepods had evolved the capacity to be bigger when the environment allowed.

At the same time Alex and Dustin found that larger mothers in the low-food cultures produced larger but slightly fewer offspring while high-food copepods produced smaller but more offspring. When combined, these two components of reproduction result in the low-food copepods having a steeper positive relationship between maternal size and reproductive output. So, for two large mothers, the low-food mother will have a greater reproductive output than the high-food mother.

Alex and Dustin speculated that the evolution of low-food copepods to be bigger was driven by selection on larger mothers having a greater reproductive output. While they can’t say for sure why low-food copepods had evolved the capacity to be bigger when the environment allowed, they do emphasise that this example of cryptic evolution means that evolution in response to changing phytoplankton productivity may alter the efficacy of the global carbon pump in ways that have not been anticipated until now.

Left: Initially low food copepods (blue) were slightly smaller than high food copepods (red) but after two generations low food copepods were bigger.
Right: The relationship between the size of mothers and their reproductive output was steeper for low food copepods (blue)compared to high food copepods (red). A Large low food mother will have a greater reproductive output than a large high food mother.

This research was published in Evolutionary Applications.

Evolving to stay the same: life history evolution and trade-offs in response to high and low total food

Authors: Alexander Blake and Tim Coulson

Published in: Oikos


Food drives ecology and evolution, but few studies have directly investigated the impacts of the total amount of food on life history evolution within-species. Among the limited number of available case studies that do directly test total food effects on life history evolution we still lack consensus, partially owing to incompletely described life histories.

We explored life history trade-offs across the whole life cycle, and the consequences for trait and population dynamics, in a marine copepod evolved under high and low total food using an integral projection model (IPM). Populations were subjected to high- and low-food regimes and a common garden experiment after 30 generations of evolution. We then sampled and measured individual vital rates (growth, reproduction, and survival) from hatching until death, which were used to parameterise IPMs.

Food regime had a significant but slight effect on life histories, which appeared ‘slow’ and ‘fast’ in low-food and high-food lineages, respectively. Low-food lineages grew bigger and produced larger offspring to genetically compensate for their environment, but this compensation came with costs; notably shorter lifespans and less chance of producing clutches of eggs. Despite these differences, population ecology and fitness were similar in high- and low-food lineages as anticipated by per-capita rather than total food effects. Consequently, though natural planktonic populations may genetically mitigate the effects of climate-induced food scarcity, there are limits to this compensation and likely unforeseen impacts effects for wider food webs.

Blake A, Coulson T (2023) Evolving to stay the same: life history evolution and trade‐offs in response to high and low total food. Oikos PDF DOI

Fish live faster in the tropics and slower in the poles because of mortality risks

Biological organisms must acquire resources to enable them to grow, mature and reproduce before they die. The study of how organisms allocate resources to each of these requirements is known as life history theory. Organisms with a ‘fast’ life history grow to smaller sizes, mature early and reproduce at both smaller sizes and younger ages before dying. A ‘slow’ life history suggests the opposite end of the spectrum; organisms have slower growth, mature and reproduce later and live for much longer than their ‘faster’ counterparts.

A new study from The Centre for Geometric Biology at Monash University and international collaborators has found that fish in tropical regions suffer high mortality and so optimise their fitness by diverting energy into reproduction earlier in life — their fast life histories are driven by mortality risk.

The research team led by Dr Mariana Álvarez-Noriega have used life history optimisation models to predict global patterns in the life histories of marine fish. They then tested and confirmed these predictions with a global dataset of marine fish life histories.

They found fish in polar regions have a lower chance of dying and therefore optimise their life history by growing longer and larger, and delaying maturity and reproduction. But when they do start reproducing they have a disproportionately greater investment in reproduction in relation to their size. That is, the relationship between body mass and reproductive output increases much more steeply for fish living in colder waters than those in warmer environments.

The model predicted that fish would mature later at the poles (higher latitudes) (graph a) and the real-life data the team collated from existing records confirmed this relationship (graph b).

So, for example a 10-kilogram fish is predicted to produce approximately 2.2 million eggs in the tropics and 3.5. million eggs in polar regions. But a 20-kilogram fish is predicted to produce approximately 4 million eggs in the tropics and 8.1 million eggs at the poles. The difference is greater as the fish get bigger.

Bigger fish produce more eggs and bigger fish at higher latitudes (polar regions) produce more eggs than fish of the same size at lower latitudes (tropical regions)

Dr Álvarez-Noriega emphasises that these global patterns have important consequences: “the impacts of fishing and Marine Protected Areas will be different in different latitudes”.

What is more, the team modelled the impacts of climate change and found that if CO2 emissions remain high their model predicts that a 25-kilogram fish at 60° latitude will produce 300,000 fewer eggs by the end of the century.

Our model predicts that global warming will profoundly reshape fish life histories, favouring earlier reproduction, smaller body sizes and lower mass-specific reproductive outputs, with worrying consequences for population persistence

Dr Álvarez-Noriega

This research was published in PLOS Biology.

Are larvae picky eaters?

A study by recent PhD graduate Emily Richardson and her supervisor Dustin Marshall found that the larvae of a filter-feeding marine worm move from being feeding generalists to specialists as they develop.

We know that many organisms experience dietary shifts as they grow bigger or after undergoing dramatic changes in body shape and structure (e.g. metamorphosis). But what happens across larval stages? Some species can increase in size by several orders of magnitude during larval development, and yet, few studies have looked at how diet changes within the larval phase.

Emily and Dustin tested how fundamental ‘niche’ (or, in this case, the ideal diet in the absence of competition or other environmental influences) changes during larval development. Their filter-feeding study species Galeolaria caespitosa is included in a group overlooked in classic niche theory — filter feeders were once assumed to have no diet changes during their life cycle. Overall, the study targeted two knowledge gaps of niche theory: whether diet changes

  1. across larval stages and
  2. for filter feeders.
Emily and Dustin looked at feeding rates of four different species of algae that differed in size, in three larval stages of a marine filter-feeder.

They assumed that smaller larvae would be limited to feeding on the smallest phytoplankton (i.e. algae) species, whilst larger larvae would eat more algae and enjoy a wider range of species. In other words, the fundamental niche would broaden as the larvae grew and were able to eat a wider range phytoplankton species of variable sizes.

This was not what they found. They offered the three different larval stages four different algal food species that vary in size. Each algal species was offered on its own so that there was no choice of food available and feeding rates were calculated from the difference in algal concentrations at the start of each run and after six hours of larval feeding.

The smallest larvae ate all four algal species in approximately equal proportion, although they did consume slightly less of the biggest species, which is roughly the same size as the mouth gape. As the larvae got bigger, they consumed large amounts of the two medium-sized algal species and barely touched the smallest species, despite its availability in high concentrations. Overall, small larvae had a broad niche that ultimately narrowed across the stages, because medium-sized cells made up the majority of the diet for large larvae.

While the bigger larvae were not constricted by algal size they may have concentrated on a narrower range of algae because it is more nutritious at the stage of development where they are preparing to settle and metamorphose into adult worms. Alternatively, the medium sized algae may have represented the most efficient food source, in that capture success was maximized in relation to encounter rate.

There was little difference in the four different algae species consumed by the smallest larval phase – the trochophore – while the largest larval phase (metatrochophore) consumed very little of the smallest algae (Nannochloropsis) but instead consumed lots of the intermediate sized algae. Note the y-axis is final biovolume so higher final biovolumes indicate less was consumed. The starting biovolumes are the figures below each data group.

While this study doesn’t elucidate the reasons for this narrowing of the fundamental niche in developing larvae, it does suggest that the relationship between fundamental niche and body size may be more complicated than classic theory suggests.

A previous study from our lab has shown that benthic filter feeders have the potential to impact on phytoplankton communities through their feeding; the same may be true of filter feeding larvae.

This research was published in the journal The Biological Bulletin.

The Conversation: ‘Let’s get real’: scientists discover a new way climate change threatens cold-blooded animals

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

All animals need energy to live. They use it to breathe, circulate blood, digest food and move. Young animals use energy to grow, and later in life, to reproduce.

Increased body temperature increases the rate at which an animal uses energy. Because cold-blooded animals rely on the thermal conditions of their environment to regulate their body temperature, they’re expected to need more energy as the planet warms.

However, our new research, published today in Nature Climate Change, suggests temperature is not the only environmental factor affecting the future energy needs of cold-blooded animals. How they interact with other species will also play a role.

Our findings suggest cold-blooded animals will need even more energy in a warmer world than previously thought. This may increase their extinction risk.

Young animals use energy to grow, and later in life, to reproduce.

What we already know

The amount of energy animals use in a given amount of time is called their metabolic rate.

Metabolic rate is influenced by a variety of factors, including body size and activity levels. Larger animals have higher metabolic rates than smaller animals, and active animals have higher metabolic rates than inactive animals.

Metabolic rate also depends on body temperature. This is because temperature affects the rate at which the biochemical reactions involved in energy metabolism proceed. Generally, if an animal’s body temperature increases, its metabolic rate will accelerate exponentially.

Most animals alive today are cold-blooded, or “ectotherms”. Insects, worms, fish, crustaceans, amphibians and reptiles – basically all creatures except mammals and birds – are ectotherms.

As human-induced climate change raises global temperatures, the body temperatures of cold-blooded animals are also expected to rise.

Researchers say the metabolic rate of some land-based ectotherms may have already increased by between 3.5% and 12% due to climate warming that’s already occurred. But this prediction doesn’t account for the animals’ capacity to physiologically “acclimate” to warmer temperatures.

Acclimation refers to an animal’s ability to remodel its physiology to cope with a change in its environment.

But rarely can acclimation fully negate the effect of temperature on metabolic processes. For this reason, by the end of the century land-based ectotherms are still predicted to have metabolic rates about 20% to 30% higher than they are now.

Having a higher metabolic rate means that animals will need more food. This means they might starve if more food is not available, and leaves them less energy to find a mate and reproduce.

As climate change raises global temperatures, the body temperatures of cold-blooded animals are also expected to rise.

Our research

Previous research attempts to understand the energetic costs of climate warming for ectotherms were limited in one important respect. They predominantly used animals studied in relatively simple laboratory environments where the only challenge they faced was a change in temperature.

However, animals face many other challenges in nature. This includes interacting with other species, such as competing for food and predator-prey relationships.

Even though species interact all the time in nature, we rarely study how this affects metabolic rates.

We wanted to examine how species interactions might alter predictions about the energetic costs of climate warming for cold-blooded animals. To do this, we turned to the fruit fly (from the genus Drosophila).

Fruit fly species lay their eggs in rotting plant material. The larvae that hatch from these eggs interact and compete for food.

Our study involved rearing fruit fly species alone or together at different temperatures. We found when two species of fruit fly larvae compete for food at warmer temperatures, they were more active as adults than adults that didn’t compete with other species as larvae. This means they also used more energy.

From this, we used modelling to deduce that species interactions at warmer global temperatures increase the future energy needs of fruit flies by between 3% and 16%.

These findings suggest previous studies have underestimated the energetic cost of climate warming for ectotherms. That means purely physiological approaches to understanding the consequences of climate change for cold-blooded animals are likely to be insufficient.

Previous studies have underestimated the energetic cost of climate warming for ectotherms.

Let’s get real

Understanding the energy needs of animals is important for understanding how they’ll survive, reproduce and evolve in challenging environments.

In a warmer world, hotter ectotherms will need more energy to survive and reproduce. If there is not enough food to meet their bodies’ energy demands, their extinction risk may increase.

Clearly, we must more accurately predict how climate warming will threaten biodiversity. This means studying the responses of animals to temperature change under more realistic conditions.
The Conversation